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Month: November 2017
Shortcuts and Cheat sheets
Bash Scripting Cheat Sheet
Emacs Edit Mode Keyboard Shortcuts
Emmet Cheat Sheet
IntelliJ Keyboard Shortcuts
Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
Markdown Cheat Sheet
Scala Cheat Sheet
Vim Cheat Sheet
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# Creating a patch file svn diff > ~/my.diff # Applying a patch file patch -p0 -i ~/my.diff # View Last 5 commits svn log -l5 -v # Revert to revision svn up -r 10 |
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# TODO |
SSH (Secure Shell)
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# Using current username and default port 22 ssh myserver # Using provided username ssh myusername@myserver # Using provided username and provided port ssh -p myport myusername@myserver # Connect to server, execute command, and disconnect ssh myusername@myserver mycommand # Execute command with argument, notice single quotes to wrap ssh myusername@myserver 'mycommand "argument text with spaces"' |
SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)
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# Copy file from local to remote scp /path/to/localfile myusername@myserver:/path/to/remotefileorfolder # Copy file from remote to local scp myusername@myserver:/path/to/remotefile /path/to/localfileorfolder # Copy file from remote to remote (servers have to be able to communicate) scp myusername@myserver1:/path/to/remotefile myusername@myserver2:/path/to/remotefileorfolder # Specifying a port (notice uppercase -P vs SSH) scp -P myport /path/to/localfile myusername@myserver:/path/to/remotefileorfolder # Copy multiple files to local directory using asterix scp myusername@myserver:/path/to/* . # Copy directory and content with recursive flag scp -r myusername@myserver:/path/to/remotefolder . # Limit bandwidth, measured in Kbit/sec scp -l mybandwidthlimit myusername@myserver:/path/to/* . |
SFTP (Secure FTP)
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# Connect to server sftp myserver # Upload local file put path/to/localfile [/path/to/remotefileorfolder] # Download local file get path/to/remotefile [/path/to/localfileorfolder] # Download in one go, not for uploads sftp myusername@myserver:/path/to/remotefile [/path/to/localfileorfolder] |
References and Resources
Bash Keyboard Shortcuts
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CTRL L = Clear the terminal #### Navigation CTRL A = Cursor to start of line CTRL E = Cursor the end of line CTRL F = Forward one char CTRL B = Back one char ALT F = Forward one word ALT B = Back one word Ctrl p = Previous command (Up arrow) Ctrl n = Next command (Down arrow) #### Manipulate ALT U = Uppercase right word ALT L = Lowercase right word ALT C = Init Cap next word ALT T = Swap current word with previous CTRL T = Swap character under cursor with the previous one #### Delete CTRL U = Delete left CTRL K = Delete right CTRL W or ALT DEL = Delete word on the left ALT D = Delete to the end of word CTRL D = delete character under the cursor CTRL H = delete character before the cursor CTRL Y = Paste (after CTRL U,K or W) ALT Y = Loop through previously cut text (after CTRL Y) ALT . = Loop through and paste last argument of previous commands. !! = repeat last command !abc = Run last command starting with abc !abc:p = Print last command starting with abc !$ = Print last argument of previous command !* = Print all arguments of previous command ALT + . Retrive last argument of previous command ^abc^def Run previous command, replacing abc with def CTRL - = Undo CTRL R = reverse search history (repeat to loop through results) CTRL R x 2 = Search the last remembered search term CTRL G = Escape from history searching mode CTRL XX = Toggle between the start of line and current cursor position CTRL XX = Move between end of line and current cursor position (and back again) CTRL L = Clear screen |
Bootstrapping with Gradle
Bootstrap options
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gradle init --type pom gradle init --type java-application [--test-framework spock | testng] gradle init --type java-library [--test-framework spock | testng] gradle init --type scala-library gradle init --type groovy-library gradle init --type groovy-application gradle init --type basic |
Gradle Example
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# create app mkdir lidenlab-app && cd lidenlab-app # bootstrap java project gradle init --type java-application # build project (runs unit tests) ./gradlew build # check the test results build/reports/tests/test/index.html # list available Gradle tasks ./gradlew tasks # execute main ./gradlew run # delete app cd .. && rm -rf lidenlab-app |
Common Config (in progress)
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apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'application' // specify Java version sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8 // for gradle run mainClassName = "com.lidenlab.App" repositories { //mavenCentral() jcenter() } dependencies { compile "groupId:artifactId:version" testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12' } |
Create runnable Jar file
Configure the Jar task of the Java plugin:
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apply plugin: 'java' jar { manifest { attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.lidenlab.App' } } |
Force running subsequent tests
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# use the rerun flag gradle test --rerun-tasks # clean the tests gradle cleanTest test # configure test to depend on cleanTest in build.gradle test { dependsOn 'cleanTest' //Your previous task details (if any) } |
Show StandardStreams from tests
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// show System.out.println and System.err.println test { testLogging { showStandardStreams = true // events method: // events 'STANDARD_OUT', 'STANDARD_ERROR' // events method with enum values: // events org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent.STANDARD_OUT, // org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent.STANDARD_ERROR, // Or set events property: // events = ['STANDARD_OUT', 'STANDARD_ERROR'] } } |
References and Resources